The artist is very simple, yet just as intricate as the numerous shadows of the artist’s time carry through it. Art is an impossible force that must be allowed to grow like that for a certain period of time to fully form itself, behind it all. In the midst of all that, he has to do a deep cool hiding. At the same time, open all windows, doors to hold it completely.
I work for the theme or issue, which gives me distinct techniques, media and dramatic impression. I have depth love for the theme. I am always searching a subject or theme through Nature. To accomplish truth of creation, I have been trying my best to reach at the extreme level, so that, I could improve my work through the power of nature.
Today the place where I stand, this is me who lived for past centuries and would be living for next many centuries. For the time being contemporary or ism is not my matter of thinking, I think time is within the time – past, present and future. I am born in between the time and time is born within my hands. I only know and firmly believe I am with the time.